When I got the request from my mom for the cardigan, I had no idea that it would take her nearly an entire week to settle on a color. I finally ordered it - a dark red called "beet root" - two days ago, and I assume it'll take several days to arrive. I haven't even gotten a notification of shipment yet.
Knitting is something I do every single day. Not out of willpower or dedication, but for sheer love of the craft, and because my hands simply get very antsy if I don't. I prefer to have a project to work on, but I can be satisfied with gauge swatching or trying out techniques if I've got nothing better to do. While waiting for mom to make up her mind, I found myself itching for something to knit (or otherwise craft), and somehow, I wound up going retro housewife. Apparently I am single-handedly (well, double-handedly) unraveling the bra-burning, wage-earning efforts of 20th century feminists.
This week I have worked on a latch hook rug for the bathroom, knit four cotton dishcloths, and started gauge swatching for lace kitchen curtains, the pattern for which I'm getting from a book published in 1972. I kind of feel like a granny, sure. I kind of feel like I'm betraying my slightly younger self who learned to crochet and knit for the sake of fashion, proclaiming furiously that she would NEVER make housewares. And yet, some secret part of me sees a really intricate, fine lace doily and is more impressed with the skill and beauty of it than deterred by its nursing home associations.
I'm still looking forward eagerly to the arrival of my yarn order, so I can get started on this cute cardigan, but I'm no longer ashamed of the fact that my home is suddenly sporting a few yarn-based accessories.
And you know what? Those cotton dishcloths work GREAT.
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